I have been silent on this blog for some time now. I have been going through a lot of pressure & questions in my mind in the past few days which have kept me busy...Apart from the Never ending German classes.
I have also invested some time in continuing my reading of Micheal Chricton's "Travels". However, my success in finishing about 30 pages can be largely attributed to the time i spent reading some pages while i spent time on the toilet seat every morning during the past one week. Also, I have invested money in the markets to some time was spent in reading where to invest and into what should i invest. And finally gave up deciding that whatever i do....I love south and so do my investments. No wonder my profits always look southwards oblivious of the market trend...
Of late... I have been trying hard to build a cross-platform GUI + Database based software completely in C. Yeah i know!! I sound like a freak...but i wanted to just see how much of C i still can manage after doing about 10 months of "Model based Development". I think i will soon giving up and switching to python, which is not only faster,simpler and cleaner...but also newer to me ensuring that there the ever drooping learning curve gets some positive slope!!. I have something like a good gui in "C" using GTK ....so it is not really too much of aproblem to port it to Python i trust.
And Before i forget....I had been on a team building excursion with my team....It was nice fun with a lot of take home. I always thought i had the right ingredients to make a good leader...but apparently not!!.....I am sure a lot of those who are reading this would just shrug off saying...We always knew that!!....But yes, i gather that there are a few things that i suck at and i should fix those before i can even imagine of taking some responsibility.....
Finally, hairfall has been always my friend....And i think a point of time has come when i should take a decision if i should go completely bald on my own or let nature do this job...However, I have decided to just hang on and continue for a while..
Now that i have found some time and some hope that i might be able to procure a netbook soon, I shall try to write more....
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