Sunday, January 17, 2010

6 lettered colors..

Some times software guys really screw up bad and it is frustrating...
Recently i visited the NSDL site...and there wanted to register myself for viewing my Annual -Tax statement. The form to do this has a important section which says Security question which is used when one forgets his password.

It says...What is your favourite color?...and it expects an answer which is atleast 6 characters....
Voilet,Blue,Green,Yellow,Indigo,Orange,Red...out of these only 4 qualify...Black, Pink etc...No....So government wants you to have your favourite color only from the limited set :-).
Either i am being too picky...or this is really weird..

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pilot says TimeOut!!

I was greeted by the WTF news of the day....
Seventy passengers of a Mumbai-bound Spicejet flight were left stranded in Visakhapatnam on Saturday night.... A harried passenger Sumit said, “A bizarre reason was given for the pilot's duty hours which were prescribed by the DGCA.
What is really bizarre is that the airline scheduled a flight to be flown by a pilot who was beyond his duty hours and then  did not even acknowledge the mistake fully.
On the lighter side i just thank god that this pilot's duty hours did not expire when they where mid flight....Imagine this announcement...
'Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your caption and pilot speaking...Since my duty hours have just got expired, I will be parachuting out now. However, Worry not....You will land somewhere and I am sure you will be more than happy to have traveled a longer distance than you planned for, that too at the same price...'
Funny way things work in India....dont they?
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Saturday, January 2, 2010

The First Day

There is always a magic linked with the things when they occur for the first time; be it the first kiss, first day at school or first day of the year. Even i have invariably sensed only two feelings in all my "Frist time" ventures; either I was extremely excited or hopelessly scared. The first day of the year however started on a very exciting note but eventually ended up more like any other day....This made me ask myself that why these days are considered special and are over hyped. I remember my parents telling me as a kid that what i do in the first day of the year is likely to determine how the rest of the year will remain. Though i have realised that this is definitely how the "First Day" works, a small part of me still believes in this and unconsciously I try to control the day to be like the way I would like it to be the rest of the year.

On the other hand while a major part of the world was enjoying on the 31st of December and trying to welcome the new year in their own style, there are a lot of people who are just continuously struggling to ensure that this Party of ours goes smoothly. I can hazard a guess that most of these folks ( Policemen, Parking assistance staff, Bartenders, Shopkeepers, Party organizers, Cooks etc. etc) would be in their bed most of 1st of January, tired of the exhaustion of the previous night. To my knowledge these people lead normal lives the rest of year be it rain or shine. These are the real people to whom the new year matters the most because for some this means very huge business opportunities while for others this means extra work hours etc.

There is another category of people to whom the new year really doesn't matter. This is so, while they really cannot understand how after very 365 days there can be something that will drastically change their lifestyle. These people are those whom we don't really see but play an important role in our society. These are the peasants to whom we owe our daily meal, but who himself might not be able to get meals twice a day. I think in India this a vast majority. Being a country of peasants (big and small) it means that a major part of India is more worried about how its going to make the ends meet rather than bother about How the new year is going to be. I think we will be really going a long way if we create an environment where instead of thinking about how to repay the Zamindar's loan everyday, if this peasant is able to think about the First day of the new year like us. That is when we are going to see a developed India. This year one of the things that I have thought of doing is to do something to put a step in this direction. I have however not thought about how this is going to be realized but then these are  some initial thoughts i have and I am yet to figure out how things shape.
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