This is an interesting post that is making round on Facebook. Perhaps it has been making rounds for quite some time but came to my notice just today. It took me back to the discussion which i had with my good friend & mentor Dr. Oliver Kraus a few days back. I was just telling him that i feel lucky to be in an era where change is taking place so rapidly...Be it in technology or in personal life. As a matter of fact we discussed about the destructive pace at which technology is growing. Which means, even before the money invested in development of the technology is fully exploited a new technology makes it obsolete. I see this coming at least in the case of 3G. I am sure before it grows from its fledgling state to something of everyday use, it would be obsolete.
The voracious pace at which science is advancing munching on its path the various technologies of yesteryears and making them not just obsolete but also make the look like financial disasters. Take the case of pagers which had a very short life or that of plasma televisions which had to scarifice themselves due the the advent of LCD TV's which are almost extinct, thanks to the LED back lit TV's. Its happening in every field, because now information and knowledge is not more limited to books but they are available for anyone in the right mindset to exploit. And thankfully people are doing it. It is not long back before writing blogs would be obsolete and something else more trendier might come up...and there will be things like Orkut which triumphed for such short times that in the history they would just make a small blip. However, in the age of ravaging advancement...even the idea of time should be relooked at....What say?