Here is a very interesting video. Though it really doesn't pose any great mathematical question, and is quite simple to explain using simple co-ordinate geometry, it did teach me something else ...a different lesson about life.
Often times, our lives are like the 1st short, with the different shapes being tasks that we do taking up all our time and energy. We do crib and complain about not having time to anything. Perhaps all that we need to do is then take a step back and rearrange the things in our life, change some priorities, maybe take a look at how things are and what the should look like...Maybe in the end, we did have the time and space but we just put things in the wrong order to just eat up every bit of time and energy we had...
Food for thought...ain't it?
Often times, our lives are like the 1st short, with the different shapes being tasks that we do taking up all our time and energy. We do crib and complain about not having time to anything. Perhaps all that we need to do is then take a step back and rearrange the things in our life, change some priorities, maybe take a look at how things are and what the should look like...Maybe in the end, we did have the time and space but we just put things in the wrong order to just eat up every bit of time and energy we had...
Food for thought...ain't it?