Friday, January 16, 2009

New Phrase - "Temp Lay-Off"

The global meltdown has been making news since Lehman brothers declared bankruptcy. One new feature that i noticed is that it has given rise to a bevy of new words or at the least created a new awareness amongst people with respect to these words. In fact the world "Bailout", was chosen as the word of the year 2008.

A new word or rather a phrase that is being churned out in many companies is "Temp Lay-off". The meaning of the word is something like ..." The employees are requested to go on a vacation for one to four weeks without pay". Instead of having a complete Lay-off as in many cases, in this case the employee gets to keep his job but can go on "Leave without Pay" for a stipulated period of time.

Though some see this as a threat and the first step before the layoff, i tend to believe that some companies are really concerned about the loss of trained staff and are trying to everything possible to retain them in the troubled times.

Oh how can i forget mantriji's contribution on this one...

The party president asked Mantriji to layoff either one of the two workers, either Rita or Jack. Mantriji decided that whoever he sees first he will lay them off....

Unfortunately or fortunately, he meets Rita first....

Seeing her Mantriji said...

"Rita, I have a very difficult decision to make. I either have to Lay You or Jack off."

Pat came the reply from Rita, " Hey go ahead and jack-off, u jerk..."

You can find more on Mantriji here [1]

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