Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Aussie agression

How long will this continue?
Ashish was reportedly hit by a metal object and the police was called.Ashish was admitted to Alferd Hospital with serious injuries and later discharged.
 In the past couple of weeks the atrocities that have been meant on innocent Indian students in Australia is alarming. The government so far doesn't seem to have done anything concrete ( that is both the Australian Government & their Indian counterparts!!). To save grace after so many days of complete anarchy Kevin Rudd (PM Aussie land!!) has promised that there would be action taken against the guilty. However, the students in the rally which took place in Australia (showing protest against the attacks) went under the police baton.

Ideally, the Australian government should be more worried about such attacks because in the wake of such events most of the student fraternity would strike off Australia from its list of preferred destination for higher education. This would not only impact Australian universities but also have a cascade effect on the society.

Lastly, In India still there are a lot of folks who believe in Tit-for-Tat policy. So do not be surprised if we see attacks happening on Australian nationals in India.
India should get global spotlight on this matter ( which is no more a stray case of racism!!) and mount pressure on Australia to ensure that safety of non-australian students in Australia. The Australian government on its part should ensure that the miscreants ( which i am sure is a very small group, It is not that overnight the Australians started hating us!!) are taken to task. This will really show that Australia is really interested in keeping up this relationship with our country. Of course, in India we ought to ensure that no retaliatory attacks happen against foreign nationals ( Aussies or otherwise).

Mantriji narrated this one.
A british man once went to Australia...
At the immigration the young Aussie officer asked him
"Sir, Do you have any crimminal record"
pat came the reply from the Englishman
" Jesus, I never knew you still require one to visit Australia!!"

Finally, It is for the Aussies to prove that they have left their crimminal ways!!
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