Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ubuntu Automount failure

This is a new discovery that i made the hard way. This happened because i use the same set of plugins for Firefox between Windows and Ubuntu. The reason i do this is coz very frequently i switch between the two OS's for various reasons. I have posted here how to do this. However, as it is clear it needs that your C: in windows is automounted in Ubuntu on startup. This is pretty simple and for those of you who like to use the GUI more than the commandline i suggest use of pysdm. You can find more info regarding this here.

However, the problem that happened was that for some reason i had hibernated the Windows partition when during last session. When i opened the Ubuntu partition later i find that the automouting of C: failed and this led to my firefox failing to load because the symlink was now broken. This happens, because when windows hibernates the drive is in a dirty state and this makes the Ubuntu NOT mount the drive. This is true for NTFS & i am not sure if the same is applicable for fat32. More info is available here.

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