Saturday, February 27, 2010

When the fox bites

Firefox is a great browser. With the right plugins it provides literally everything that you really ask for in a browser. However, plugins are sometimes a bit dangerous. Recently with one of the plugin + firefox + ubuntu made my firefox bookmarks, Menubars etc completely garbled. And with great difficulty when i would try to get to the add-ons section it would just crash...Poof!!...
For a moment i wondered should i reinstall Firefox .....but then i remembered that when one man is down the other one should help. I fired up my Opera and did some "Internetting!!". Soon enough I found what i was looking for.....Command line options...they come handy when everything else fails...
So....What i did...just fired up my FFox with the following option
firefox %u -safe-mode
Guess what, it offered me with a window asking what i would like to do disable all addon's, restore defaults for Ffox etc....I just said continue and then disabled the plugin that caused me the pain...
Ain't that cool...actually there are a whole bunch of command line things that you can use to get stuff done...Check this out..

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Friday, February 26, 2010

My first Phone art....

I know it is not some art to look at...But this is what i created using my Symbian phone, Python and a wonderful software called Scribble. Not bad ain't it. You can get Scribble from Online Nokia stores.

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Jump they said!!

Who was really the cause of her death? Was it the fire? Was it the firemen? Or was it as we most nonchalantly put....she herself?
The sources say that he fire was caused because there were "serious lapses". Whatever that means....
The fact still remains that very little percentage of us really know what to do in case a fire breaks out. Though most companies conduct fire drills for their employees, most consider it no more than a break from routine activity. Infact some people enjoy these drills, as it gives them a chance to get away from their bosses and make up excuses for other things.
We have to face the fact that our buildings are not really built considering fire hazards in mind. Fire exits are often blocked, unmarked or seem to manifest into storerooms almost as soon as the main storeroom is full. It is therefore in our best interest to understand a bit about fire and also about how we could be better prepared to face a fire outbreak.
A fact that some folks don't know about a fire-outbreak is that more than the fire, it is the smoke that kills. CO or Carbon Monoxide the abundant gas in any fire-outbreak, emitted as a result of incomplete combustion of stuff ,is by itself a very big health hazard.
CO can react quickly with the Haemoglobin in our blood rendering the blood cells useless. With the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood cells lost, the cells cannot carry oxygen to all the organs that need it leading to organ malfunction.
What is the best way to keep breathing in a fire?
Stay low....Hot CO will always be lighter than the surrounding air and will occupy the upper layers of the air in the room leaving cleaner air at the lower layers.
Breathe through a wet hanky if possible....this will keep the soot out of your lungs.

And Finally, just pray that someone quickly rescues you and also that your rescuers don't think of you as a acrobat and expect you to jump into nets from 7 floors....

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bearded Wife

Imagine what would have happened if this marriage had taken place..
Arab ambassador discovers bride is bearded and cross-eyed behind veil

And the best part is that the ambassador demanded that all the money he spent on her be returned. Either the ambassador is too naive...or the girl? Was she wearing the veil to hide her irregularities or to just maintain a religious outlook?
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Marathi Manoos again

What i cannot understand is what is this whole hue and cry about "Marathi Manoos". I can understand linguistic patriotism...but what is happening in Maharastra is linguistic fanaticism. Some things that our great politicians forget is that what Maharastra is today..."Maha" is because we the rest of India help it to become like that. Would it be right if IT companies just laid off every marathi? Would it be ok if all the other states ban the movies made out of Mumbai...or so to say the heart of Bollywood which gave rise to stars like Amitabh Bacchan? What good would be Tendulkar's talent if he was not a part of the national team?
Well by now the Thackerays would have a room full of apologies!! Though I am they care a damn about the apology, vis-a-vis the publicity they create for themselves....
Got save us and the Marathi manoos!!

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Monday, February 1, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Beschaeftigt....or busy in english....That is what describes my situation right now. Is this because I am doing much more...well not on paper. On paper i am still a Senior Engineer...but got to work "apparently" as a team lead...So for a few days there will be lesser posts...much lesser in my other However, i will try to be as awake as possible on Twitter and keep putting up some juicy tit-bits...

till then....Aufweidersehen...