Saturday, February 27, 2010

When the fox bites

Firefox is a great browser. With the right plugins it provides literally everything that you really ask for in a browser. However, plugins are sometimes a bit dangerous. Recently with one of the plugin + firefox + ubuntu made my firefox bookmarks, Menubars etc completely garbled. And with great difficulty when i would try to get to the add-ons section it would just crash...Poof!!...
For a moment i wondered should i reinstall Firefox .....but then i remembered that when one man is down the other one should help. I fired up my Opera and did some "Internetting!!". Soon enough I found what i was looking for.....Command line options...they come handy when everything else fails...
So....What i did...just fired up my FFox with the following option
firefox %u -safe-mode
Guess what, it offered me with a window asking what i would like to do disable all addon's, restore defaults for Ffox etc....I just said continue and then disabled the plugin that caused me the pain...
Ain't that cool...actually there are a whole bunch of command line things that you can use to get stuff done...Check this out..

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