Monday, March 15, 2010

Agent Deepak and 5230

It is been atleast 3 months since i have been using Nokia's budget offering in touch phones; The Nokia 5230. The phone is quite cool with all the basic stuff chugging cooly on a symbian OS and and ARM processor. The design and outer looks match that of the 5800 express music. However, the phone comes hardly with any accessory as compared to 5800. Don't be surprised to find no Memory card or free screen guard. You will have to shell out money for these from your own pocket. After bargaining for what looked like a eternity to me, I got a 4GB memory card and the phone together for 8.5K. A deal i thought!! However, there are a few glitches. The phone doesn't have all the wonderful software that you would expect from a phone with Symbian OS. I missed the document viewer and pdf viewer. These are available with the 5800 without extra payment. A search online revealed that i could get "QuickOffice" for my mobile provided i was ready to pay $19 for that....No more a deal :-(.

GPS and 2 MP camera in the phone are quite good to use. I have used more or less all the functions of the phone. One thing that irritates is that with the sensor turned on very slight movement will make the phone screen flip 90 degrees. However, irritative as it might me the feature helps when you want to do some photo or web browsing. Funnily the 90 degrees tilt works only in one direction...i.e. if you tilt the screen 90 in anti-clockwise the screen turns so that you can read it ...If you tilt it 90 degrees clockwise...well the screen still turns as if it was a anti-clockwise turn :-o. Well that could be easily fixed...i cant understand why or how Nokia did not think regarding this.
The one touch music, gallery and internet access is very useful. Further there are multiple options for the default screen. However, do not choose to change the theme to anything apart from the ones which come with the phone, lest you would be struggling for standby time. Again a question why that happens????

This phone doesn't hang....rather it just reboots when things go bad. Happens very often when you add new themes or keep switching the phone direction while browsing photos.

Overall rating for the phone outta 5 would be a max 4. I would have been happier if i could get a company supplied screen guard and also a few more softwares. ...

Better reviews here

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