Friday, April 2, 2010

The time's running out!!

Today after a while, i could spend a long day shopping for a impending journey. I had to wait at the restaurant in the mall, while my trousers where getting altered for the right length. On keen observation what i saw was that most if not all of the couple who were feasting there had a few things in common. All looked to be in their late 30's or mid 40's, all had atleast one kid ( obviously meaning that they were married!!) and apart from a high end mobile phone were sporting a really huge bulging waist (waste) line. With great feeling of guilt i looked southwards to see my own miniature version of a paunch that i had just seen a couple of minutes back and wondered, "Was this the same way a decade back?".
                                Sedentary lifestyle, high calorie diets and extremely stressful work atmosphere combined with the lack of interest in physical exercises seems to be taking its toll on a vast majority of the Metro population. Though it is very easy to see this with number of gym's and Spa's that have made home in towns like Bangalore and Mangalore, what really is more shocking is that it is not just the in the people on the wrong side of 30's that suffering from Obesity related problem, it is also the kids who prefer to spend more time in front of the Television or the Computer playing "Ungli Cricket" and "FIFA" as compared to the real versions of the sport. A report from Hindu here states that obesity is taking the form of epidemic. On one hand an argument crops up, and very rightly so that the youth these days are more health conscious and visit Fitness-Clubs more often then the youth from the yesteryears, What needs to be understood that inspite of this the figures of health problems relating to obesity related are only going northwards. Wiki here gives a list of how the obesity profile of India is currently.
                                Brisk walks in morning when you still have a chance of breathing clean air, a diet with controlled amount of saturated fats with higher concentration of fibers should help us in fighting this. However as with everything the first thing that needs to change is the mindset. We should try to accept and realise that we are sitting on timebomb that is ticking fast and realize that if we don't take care of our bodies then we would be ending up suffering from the same issues that we read about in newspaper and wonder ...."How could they let that happen to themselves??". It is something to a spare a thought to. 

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