There are always enough interesting things happening in the world, concerning which one can write a lot about. This post is however because there are two world events that are of interest to me at this point in time. How the hell is EU and especially Germany going to bail out the economies like Greece and Italy which are at the verge of collapse. This collapse definitly is something everyone is praying, shouldn't happen. The reason is clear, the effect is going to be more catastropic than before. A fall of Greece would mean that all the loan extended to the country and the investments, a huge part of which have been done by countries in the EU including Germany, France & Portugal, would be defaulted. This would not just put extra burden on these economies but would also have a cascading effect that may destabilize the already we economic balance that seems to be reached by many smaller countries after Lehman Brothers & downgrading of America.
The only country that seems to have enough money to bail all these sad and sick economies seems to be far east still resting with its communist regime.
The second one that has aroused great interest in me is the case of Dr. Murray, whom the ghosts of the dead Pop Singer & Break dance sensation Micheal Jackson, seem to haunt relentlessly. Its been a while since we heard about Mr. Jackson ( yeah i know he is dead) but this case seems to generate more anxiety in people than ever before. Would truth prevail in the end and would there be someone who would be punished, if there is one to be punished is something, i await with bated breath.
Both these incidents seem to drive me towards one point. Life comes to a full circle. There was a time when "East was uncool and west was cool", When the Chinese people were dumb people with , slits instead of eyes and some nasal language and using sticks to eat their food. When Micheal Jackson was a pedophile and perhaps a drug addict. Today this country of slit eyed people seem to be the one who can save the "cultured west" with its fiscal assets reaching unheard of numbers, when after years after his death people remember Jackson and want to win him justice and honor...which seems to have been torn apart with his death under hazy situations.
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Yeah...Karma does exist...for everything good u do...u get good things back. The same holds for every evil you do...Food for thought..Hmmm?
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