Friday, May 18, 2012

Pic of the week - Education and Creativity

I don't facebook too very often in comparision to what i was doing about 8 months back. I think it is a thing with me that i don't live with the fad. I am in someways similar to that kid who plays with one toy and then gives it up for another one which looks shinier or newer. As i talk about kids, i remembered this picture from Facebook. As you can see the dumping of creativity, intelligence and discipline is highlighted in the picture. Then came the thought, where i realized that i have gone through this process too and perhaps that is the reason why even though i have been writing for about a year and a half now, i have not more than 23 subscribers to the blog. The website here, quotes that 

he scary coda to this story is that by the age of twelve, our creative output has declined to about 2% of our potential, and it generally stays there for the rest of our lives.

The fact thought shocking, is an eye-opener for many of us who are getting ready to force their children to study "Science" because they would like them to be Engineers or those of us who pester their young ones to concentrate and get the highest marks in the class. Parents who fight for every single penny with their bosses, are happy to give it up for their childrens "Special Classes" or Tuitions. 

We could blame our competitive education system, where almost every lost mark could make a difference in where the child gets an admission. What our education system lacks is what our industry is currently demanding. This pehaps explains why the industry complains that our education system lacks the teeth needed for the challenges thrown in the field. 

If we take a quite moment and wonder how was our ancient education system, we might come up with some beautiful answers. In the end our education should prepare us not for an IIT or an IIM. It should prepare us for life. Something like a group sport event, say football gives us a lot of lessons for life. Be it how to assist each other to reach the common goal or how listening and trusting in your coach will help you in aligning yourself to your objective; group sports are great teachers. This is why some of the brightest students don't find the acceptence the wished of, while others who may not have the shiny academic numbers seem to do great in the industry. 

There are many ways to look at this problem, however for now i would let you just laugh at the cartoon and wish you a happy weekend. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think education system throws away our creative idea because we are more knowledgeable about those ideas. Surely it never help us to be creative but it makes us more disciplined only thing i believe we gained out of it, apart from basic konewledge to communicate. But again it more to blame us and our parent there are creative institution (but may be not really creative) as well but they choose for us something which will help u to earn for ur self. But see u still have creativity left in u to put ur ideas to words... might have been better if u did a BA literature or something .. but that would have never earned you a 6 digit dont forget 6543 a must to enjoy 210 :)