My friend Ravi Shankar had an oppurtunity to visit China during one of his client trips. The picture he painted was of a nation that wanted to rule the world, not just by its cheap manufacturing technologies but also in the feild of software and Research. A lot of people always say that Chinese are very good copy-cat's and perhaps they really cant build anything of their own. However, time and again it has been shown by the communist nation that everyone's notions regarding them are false.The sucess story of the Bejieng Olympics proves this.India lost to China in terms of being a manufacturing hub because of its policies in the mid late 80's and early 90's. The Chinese government nurtured their companies to ensure that they could manufacture things cheap & good(if not best).
wiki states
It is time our guys and gals also start looking into the technical area's in depth...else soon we would be going back in time....
wiki states
"Made in China" is one of the most recognizable labels in the world today due to the large manufacturing industry of the rapidly developing China.Now, China is emerging as a nation that no more wants to be crippled because of its poor English speaking capability. The report here suggests that China is already overtaking us when it comes to Ph.D's. This will enventually mean that a lot of researche work that is currently being outsourced (or happening) in India will move to China. The report states that less than 1% of the students who finish UG courses take up the doctrate. The reason is quite simple. Most of us are happy with our Software jobs which are easily available ( That includes me!!). However, it is not long before this category of jobs also dries up because there are more and more players getting into the game. India though has a ocean of experience when it comes to software, we have seen China that learns anything very fast ( Even if it is by merely copying!!).
It is time our guys and gals also start looking into the technical area's in depth...else soon we would be going back in time....
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