Sunday, June 28, 2009

China on prowl

My friend Ravi Shankar had an oppurtunity to visit China during one of his client trips. The picture he painted was of a nation that wanted to rule the world, not just by its cheap manufacturing technologies but also in the feild of software and Research. A lot of people always say that Chinese are very good copy-cat's and perhaps they really cant build anything of their own.  However, time and again it has been shown by the communist nation that everyone's notions regarding them are false.The sucess story of the Bejieng Olympics proves this.India lost to China in terms of being a manufacturing hub because of its policies in the mid late 80's and early 90's.  The Chinese government nurtured their companies to ensure that they could manufacture things cheap & good(if not best).
wiki states
"Made in China" is one of the most recognizable labels in the world today due to the large manufacturing industry of the rapidly developing China.
Now, China is emerging as a nation that no more wants to be crippled because of its poor English speaking capability. The report here suggests that China is already overtaking us when it comes to Ph.D's. This will enventually mean that a lot of researche work that is currently being outsourced (or happening) in India will move to China. The report states that less than 1% of the students who finish UG courses take up the doctrate. The reason is quite simple. Most of us are happy with our Software jobs which are easily available ( That includes me!!). However, it is not long before this category of jobs also dries up because there are more and more players getting into the game. India though has a ocean of experience when it comes to software, we have seen China that learns anything very fast ( Even if it is by merely copying!!).
It is time our guys and gals also start looking into the technical area's in depth...else soon we would be going back in time....

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happiness formula

Who in world told that there is not fixed formula for happiness. This article tells otherwise..
Psychologist Dr Cliff Arnall has devised a formula to pinpoint the day we are all most likely to feel the cheeriest....
The Happiness Formula - O + (N x S) + Cpm/T + He
So next time you have that sad look on your face & dont know how to cheer up, take your calculator and try to get the equation right.
My take on happiness is what i found online...

Happiness is good health and a bad memory.
                                                                          -Ingrid Bergman

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pic Of the Month - June

This month the "pic of the month" is a bit late. However, i am happy with what i found. Though this is low resolution snap it is good enough.

Introducing the worlds first three-Engine, 9-wheeled Gasoline,Kerosine ( or anything that can burn) powered vehicle with new diagonal body. It needs 3-drivers and has extreme navigational capacity ( It can take you through the entire town even though you want to go just next door!!).
Available only in one color combination ( Yellow N Black)
Photo: Thanks to CJ from IBN.
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hybrid Bulldozers are in!!

Heard of Hybrid bulldozers & earth moving equipment....Caterpillar's latest offering D7E is just that.
The D7E's greater fuel economy means lessened greenhouse gas emissions.It meets the EPA's Tier 3 standard regulating nitrogen oxide,hydrocarbons, and particulate matter for nonroad diesel equipment.
A hybrid ( However, not really like we know hybrid cars but better than having nothing :-)) dozer will ensure that we save fuel by running the diesel engines in their maximum efficiency range while the electric motors do the job of moving the earth. Also, there is lesser noise for the driver to put up with, which i am sure will make it a hit among the Dozer drivers.

Cool idea ain't it? Btw, just in case you did not know most of our diesel locomotives use the same method to run.
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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sleep on it

This article on the BBC website proves that my urge to sleep at odd hours during the day is nothing but my inner scientist trying to make some new break through...

The old adage "I'll sleep on it" may have some truth in it, after all.
A study by researchers at the University of California San Diego has
concluded that problems are more likely to be solved after a period of
dreamy (rapid eye movement) sleep.
So guys and gals search for that pillow & go to slumber..........................
( Now I realize why my one of my friends who always kept his gmail status as Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....made it big ;-))
Anyway, found this on the net somewhere.
Confucious say: "Man who goes to sleep with sex on mind wakes up with solution in hand."
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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tetris - Silver Jubilee

This article makes me nostalgic.
It has sold more than 70 million copies, been released for nearly every
video-game platform of the past two decades and even been played on the
side of a skyscraper.
I remember always wanting to have a TV Video game as a kid. It was one of the things that i thought would keep me eternally happy. However, as fate would have it i could never own one. However, what i eventually owned was a hand held video game box called the brickgame. There were a few variants of Tetris in this simple monochrome LCD based game box. I loved it and was hooked to it instantly. As Tetris turns 25, i am still very sure it can bring back the same excitement in me when i play it as a 26 year old :-). Btw, I used to play tetris sometime back on my mobile phone.!!

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Where is the Loo, Mate?

I thought of writing in my views after reading this rather funny (and shameful at the same time) narration of the plight of a female journalist.
While one them examined my pass the other kept staring at my abdomen with such intensity that I had just started wondering whether his X-ray vision would be able to tell exactly how full my bladder was and whether I would pass muster so that he would let me enter.
Now the biggest problem is that no one realizes that it is a problem that needs to be addressed. In our male dominated society, very little thought is given to having toilets in the right places and even if we have them then they are usually so bad that not many can use them.
The day everyone of us gets a toilet to use, I shall know that our country has reached the pinnacle of progress.
The above statement is from Jawaharrlal Nehru. In India most of the places are urinals atleast for men. All that is needed is a smelly corner & you will see that there will some people ready to water the plants. So why bother about the fairer gender. This also applies to places where buses take a break during overnight journey. The drivers stop the buses in places where there are no toilets for men let alone loo's for women. It is not only scary for women to go to dark corners to relieve themselves but also unhygenic. Sadly no one looks at it from that angle. On one of my trips with the office gang to shimoga, the toilets in the railways station almost made me puke. I dont know why we silently ignore this problem.

Thank god In Bangalore there are quite a good number of "Sulabha Shouchalayas". In one of the articles which i read, a "Sulabha Shouchalaya" employee told that he cannot maintain the toilets properly because often there were thieves who would steal the taps in the night. Also, in some of these toilets there is always a scarcity of water. In may foreign countries, there are paid toilets. Somehow, the idea is not well accepted in India where people prefer to empty their bladders in open rather than pay and use the toilet. I wonder in a city where even the begger has a cellphone why is there a paucity suffient sanitation.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Aussie agression

How long will this continue?
Ashish was reportedly hit by a metal object and the police was called.Ashish was admitted to Alferd Hospital with serious injuries and later discharged.
 In the past couple of weeks the atrocities that have been meant on innocent Indian students in Australia is alarming. The government so far doesn't seem to have done anything concrete ( that is both the Australian Government & their Indian counterparts!!). To save grace after so many days of complete anarchy Kevin Rudd (PM Aussie land!!) has promised that there would be action taken against the guilty. However, the students in the rally which took place in Australia (showing protest against the attacks) went under the police baton.

Ideally, the Australian government should be more worried about such attacks because in the wake of such events most of the student fraternity would strike off Australia from its list of preferred destination for higher education. This would not only impact Australian universities but also have a cascade effect on the society.

Lastly, In India still there are a lot of folks who believe in Tit-for-Tat policy. So do not be surprised if we see attacks happening on Australian nationals in India.
India should get global spotlight on this matter ( which is no more a stray case of racism!!) and mount pressure on Australia to ensure that safety of non-australian students in Australia. The Australian government on its part should ensure that the miscreants ( which i am sure is a very small group, It is not that overnight the Australians started hating us!!) are taken to task. This will really show that Australia is really interested in keeping up this relationship with our country. Of course, in India we ought to ensure that no retaliatory attacks happen against foreign nationals ( Aussies or otherwise).

Mantriji narrated this one.
A british man once went to Australia...
At the immigration the young Aussie officer asked him
"Sir, Do you have any crimminal record"
pat came the reply from the Englishman
" Jesus, I never knew you still require one to visit Australia!!"

Finally, It is for the Aussies to prove that they have left their crimminal ways!!
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