Thursday, May 21, 2009

No more "Breaking News" ?

A couple of months back i had written about how excessive media penetration into various issues was causing more harm than good.

This article here talks about a government gearing up to curtail media independence via a new bill.
Under the draft rules framed under section 69A of the IT
amendment Act, every state or Central government department will be empowered to
decide whether a certain news item, article, blog or advertisement relating to
its jurisdiction is safe to remain on the Net.
That is good in one way. However, what now concerns me who will constitute this department in the government which shall decide on content safety? If this becomes similar to the censor board which governs our films then the decision would really be a nightmare.

I would still like to see a committee which governs certain content that is publicly available. This committee should constitute of some eminent people from different walks of the society so that there is s correct judgment with regards to the content and no vested interests are taken into consideration.

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1 comment:

Raghuvir Kamath said...

yaa i agree .. this is subjective and will depend on the person who is elected for this job..