Sunday, May 31, 2009

The winged Thief

In India one of the popular methods of knowing one's fortune is by a parrot picking up a card from a stack of cards on which some (supposedly) details what is in store for you in the future.
However, this particular parrot seems to have changed the fortune of a Scotmand in a dramatically and in an off-beat way.
A police spokesman in Te Anau, the nearest town, said the kea had swooped on a brightly colored courier bag containing the man's
passport when the coach made a stop and the driver opened the luggage compartment.
Well, Mr Parrot what will you do with the passport?
My passport is somewhere out there in Fiordland. The kea is probably using it for fraudulent claims or something

Funny isn't it? In India i am sure a case would have been booked against the parrot and then there would be a public prosecutor who would try to to prove that the parrot was underage ( juvenile) and hence could not be booked. Btw, what is the age before which a parrot is considered Juvenile?
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