Sunday, May 3, 2009

Why do we live in fear?

This piece by Anurag Kashap makes a good reading. In the article he asks a very question very pertinent to the current situation in India.
can go up on stage and say anything without fear; why is it that we
have to live in fear? Why is it that I can't say anything? Why is it
that Narendra Modi can abuse Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh and
question them; why can't I question them?

Vivekananda said and i quote here
Fear is
death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness. All the
negative thoughts and ideas that are in this world have proceeded from
this evil spirit of fear.


Are we not living death in Vivekananda's words. I think today most of our actions are not drawn out of our will but out of our fear. We pay bribes because we fear that else our work is never gonna happen, We let our politicians talk nonsense because we know that our voice will be subdued by their power.

Unless, we wakeup and try to improve our situation nothing will happen. I remember one of the first few slokas i learnt  in my school days had a line which goes like this...

"Na hi suptasya simhasya, Pravishanti mukhe mrugaha".

Which when translated means, that no animal will enter the mouth of a sleeping lion. Unless we shed our fear and take the matter into our hands no one is going to provide us with a very nice society in a platter.

Think about it......

more on fear here

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