Monday, September 14, 2009

Conception Discount

Well the world is full of weird offers in order to woo customers. Walk on Brigade road on a busy Sunday after noon and you will see ridiculous banners like buy 1 get 2 free
and so on. Also offers and incentives have been used time and again to get people do something. For example, reduced rates if you copulate and conceive during your hotel stay...
Couples will be rewarded with a $300 ‘Conception Credit’ if they can prove
that their baby was conceived while they were staying at the hotel
or extra marks at your school examinations if your parents vote.
Some offers are out of desperation like the one JET is offering now by giving you 50% fare cuts. 
The most interesting part of the whole thing is that we all know that no offer comes free...there are always some catches which we either fail to notice or they do not matter to us. As long as you feel that the offer is worth it i guess one should
While all this is true, I have always believed in the quote that
" The buyer never buys costly and the seller never sells cheap" the end of the day what matters is if you are convinced that you got a good deal.....

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Mohan said...

some of the promos with such deceptive thoughts of conception offers is heights in the modern advertising era...

At the end of the day... one thing is obvious... There is nothing called *FREE* lunch :)

Deepz said...

Yeah. That is so true...No Free lunch!!