Some of the weirdest things are always out on sale in this world. The morbid details in this report tells us in what deplorable conditions people have to earn a living in some parts of the "Civilized" world.
Mantriji narrates this incident that happened with him at a local pub...
I got a call when i was having my third Beer....Since the pub was quite full and i did not want any one to take a swig from my mug....I stuck a post it saying ...."I have spit in my beer".....
When i returned there was a small addendum to the note which read , "I too!!"
( Joke from a old friend!!)
Tuberculosis sufferers in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, were found to be selling samples of their sputum to healthy people to pass off as their own in a scam to gain medical grants.On one end it shows us to what new lows can "Humans" get down for a few bucks and ironically it also shows us how low the living conditions are for some "Humans". This makes me remember of a woman who had sold her virginity to pay college fees. The dire need for money can definitely force people to take extreme steps. On the funny side of it i think Indians would not have been too concerned in donating their sputum. Apart from Peeing, Indian consider spitting at public places their next right....( and will not give up at any cost!!)
Mantriji narrates this incident that happened with him at a local pub...
I got a call when i was having my third Beer....Since the pub was quite full and i did not want any one to take a swig from my mug....I stuck a post it saying ...."I have spit in my beer".....
When i returned there was a small addendum to the note which read , "I too!!"
( Joke from a old friend!!)
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