Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Swine flu - Eye Opener!!

Thanks to the media hype in our organization the HR department pressed the panic button when some suspected Swine Flu or H1N1 case was reported. It went to such an extent that immediately some awareness programs where put in place and Employees were with symptoms were asked to take a few days off.
The awareness program that took place yesterday was an eye opener ....and this article is for all those who are still worried about the SwineFlu.
  • Swine Flu or H1N1 as we know it today doesn't spread by eating Pork. It is called so because the virus was created inside a pig. The virus mutates very fast.
  • Swine Flu doesn't transmit through air. It however, does transmit itself from body fluids. When one sneezes a lot of his mucus is thrown out in the form of very fine particles which can be inhaled by someone like you and me. So do not believe if someone says that AC environment promotes the H1N1 spread.
  • It is not fatal by itself. No flu is. However, if one is suffering with other problems then flu definitely can be a killer. Saying that H1N1 killed a person suffering from multiple disorders is like saying the guy who hit the last run won the match for you !!.
  • However, Flu could be fatal in case of infants. It is pretty clear that infants cannot tell you when their nose is blocked, when their throat is irritated etc. Also, their lungs are smaller and have lesser resistance to bacteria and viruses. Therefore for infants it is better to stay at home ( they are not smart enough to cover their noses when someone sneezes near them).
  • The ways in which the virus spreads -  Mouth, Nose and eye. 
  • Use of Tamiflu for normal flu might lead to new virus strains which are resistant to Tamiflu. These might mutate with the H1N1 to give rise to variants which are totally resistant. ( It is already so in some places outside India)
  • 7 days is the timeframe in which you should be able to get rid of the virus from your system ( 21 days for infants) if you take proper precautions. Note that only advanced stages of the infection demand to be treated with Tamiflu. Stage 1 and 2 can be handled by taking normal Antibiotics like Paracetamol. Stage 1 and Stage 2 are basically days 1-3 and days 4-5. A decent medications and clean environment during these days will ensure that the body builds enough resistance to fight the virus and you dont need to go to Tamiflu which is the ultimate medicine.
Finally, Do not panic. It is not really something we should be so sacred about because it is not really a killer by itself. It is as dangerous as any other flu, only difference is that it becomes more resistant from days 5 onwards ( if untreated) and is more dangerous in case of infants.

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