Thursday, September 24, 2009


This is why guys ....we should not wear deo's the way the show it in the advertisements.

Man became human fireball after deodorant caught fire as he lit barbecue

Anyway, This shows that when you are out of luck even a harmless deo can f**k you....

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Spit and get paid too....

Some of the weirdest things are always out on sale in this world. The morbid details in this report tells us in what deplorable conditions people have to earn a living in some parts of the "Civilized" world.
Tuberculosis sufferers in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, were found to be selling samples of their sputum to healthy people to pass off as their own in a scam to gain medical grants.
On one end it shows us to what new lows can "Humans" get down for a few bucks and ironically it also shows us how low the living conditions are for some "Humans". This makes me remember of a woman who had sold her virginity to pay college fees. The dire need for money can definitely force people to take extreme steps. On the funny side of it i think Indians would not have been too concerned in donating their sputum. Apart from Peeing, Indian consider spitting at public places their next right....( and will not give up at any cost!!)
Mantriji narrates this incident that happened with him at a local pub...
I got a call when i was having my third Beer....Since the pub was quite full and i did not want any one to take a swig from my mug....I stuck a post it saying ...."I have spit in my beer".....

When i returned there was a small addendum to the note which read , "I too!!"
( Joke from a old friend!!)

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Miraculous photos for ID cards...

Indians have a real uncanny sense of humor or should i say it is the I-Dont-Care attitude. Just have a look at the photo's dudes sent in when they applied for their Voters-ID card in Mumbai.

And guess this is not the so called "Illiterate" or "Uneducated" dudes who are doing this. What is more shameful is this ...
It’s not just average citizens who are giving back-end election office staff a tough time-a leading Bollywood action star actually sent a photograph of himself wearing a pair of dark sunglasses! He has since been told to send a picture that had a clear view of his face.

Now tell me i am living in a country where dudes are considered smart....

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Technical fools

I wonder if people are outright stupid or is humanity becoming more dumber by use of technology which it cannot handle well....
Proof 1:
The Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) in Adelaide says it is worrying that two girls lost in a stormwater drain raised the alert on a social networking site rather than ringing triple-0.
And if youthought that was one extreme here is the other one
Proof 2:
Apparently wanting to travel light, he did not take the victim’s computer, but he did use it. To check his Facebook page. And he forgot to log off.
While it is great to make best use of technology, Using it to prove your stupidity is something really unique.....As they say...
"You can make anything foolproof....because fools are ingenious"

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

How "Not" to fail!!

A wonderful set of slides which talk about what you should and what you should not if you really mean business...

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Conception Discount

Well the world is full of weird offers in order to woo customers. Walk on Brigade road on a busy Sunday after noon and you will see ridiculous banners like buy 1 get 2 free
and so on. Also offers and incentives have been used time and again to get people do something. For example, reduced rates if you copulate and conceive during your hotel stay...
Couples will be rewarded with a $300 ‘Conception Credit’ if they can prove
that their baby was conceived while they were staying at the hotel
or extra marks at your school examinations if your parents vote.
Some offers are out of desperation like the one JET is offering now by giving you 50% fare cuts. 
The most interesting part of the whole thing is that we all know that no offer comes free...there are always some catches which we either fail to notice or they do not matter to us. As long as you feel that the offer is worth it i guess one should
While all this is true, I have always believed in the quote that
" The buyer never buys costly and the seller never sells cheap" the end of the day what matters is if you are convinced that you got a good deal.....

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Shoe throwing Hero!!

No wonder there were so many instances of people throwing their shoes. However, most unfortunate is that a majority of them missed their targets by a whisker. Nevertheless, the story here tells you why. 
A new four-bedroom home has been built by his former boss. A new car – and the promise of many more – awaits. ....
"One Iraqi who lived in Morocco called to offer to send his daughter to be Muntazer's wife," said editor Abdul Hamid al-Saij.
I guess after this the expectations of the blokes who imitated Mr. Muntazer have gone up. Imagine if people can offer you so much for throwing a shoe and missing it....What might have been the reward for throwing a stone and not missing it.....
That would truly be called...."Killing two birds with one stone..." what say.....

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Friday, September 11, 2009

No Comments!!

This picture speaks for itself...i can imagine it happening!!

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Google says

I shall only give the link here. Rest is self explanatory. Yeah the best one is below

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Swine flu - Eye Opener!!

Thanks to the media hype in our organization the HR department pressed the panic button when some suspected Swine Flu or H1N1 case was reported. It went to such an extent that immediately some awareness programs where put in place and Employees were with symptoms were asked to take a few days off.
The awareness program that took place yesterday was an eye opener ....and this article is for all those who are still worried about the SwineFlu.
  • Swine Flu or H1N1 as we know it today doesn't spread by eating Pork. It is called so because the virus was created inside a pig. The virus mutates very fast.
  • Swine Flu doesn't transmit through air. It however, does transmit itself from body fluids. When one sneezes a lot of his mucus is thrown out in the form of very fine particles which can be inhaled by someone like you and me. So do not believe if someone says that AC environment promotes the H1N1 spread.
  • It is not fatal by itself. No flu is. However, if one is suffering with other problems then flu definitely can be a killer. Saying that H1N1 killed a person suffering from multiple disorders is like saying the guy who hit the last run won the match for you !!.
  • However, Flu could be fatal in case of infants. It is pretty clear that infants cannot tell you when their nose is blocked, when their throat is irritated etc. Also, their lungs are smaller and have lesser resistance to bacteria and viruses. Therefore for infants it is better to stay at home ( they are not smart enough to cover their noses when someone sneezes near them).
  • The ways in which the virus spreads -  Mouth, Nose and eye. 
  • Use of Tamiflu for normal flu might lead to new virus strains which are resistant to Tamiflu. These might mutate with the H1N1 to give rise to variants which are totally resistant. ( It is already so in some places outside India)
  • 7 days is the timeframe in which you should be able to get rid of the virus from your system ( 21 days for infants) if you take proper precautions. Note that only advanced stages of the infection demand to be treated with Tamiflu. Stage 1 and 2 can be handled by taking normal Antibiotics like Paracetamol. Stage 1 and Stage 2 are basically days 1-3 and days 4-5. A decent medications and clean environment during these days will ensure that the body builds enough resistance to fight the virus and you dont need to go to Tamiflu which is the ultimate medicine.
Finally, Do not panic. It is not really something we should be so sacred about because it is not really a killer by itself. It is as dangerous as any other flu, only difference is that it becomes more resistant from days 5 onwards ( if untreated) and is more dangerous in case of infants.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pic of the Month - Sep(2)

This is a real one as the site claims. I am sure folks must have laughed their guts out!!....

The couple had set the timer on their camera while posing at a lakeside in a national park in Canada.
Just as they were about to be captured on camera the cheeky squirrel popped up in the foreground and stole the show

"Photo Photo pe likha hai ....Aane wale ka naam" - Deepak

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Pic Of the Month - Sep (1)

Well cool one from web for this month's Pic. I will try to dig some of my older emails to get a better one

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Insurance claim - How?

Experience teaches you more than what you can get from any book (or blog post) and recently after my bike and a speeding Skoda decided to get a bit cosy, leaving my bike with a bent forks and split fender I was forced to claim insurance and get the damn thing fixed.
So this post is for those who want to know what happens and how it happens when you claim insurance.

First off have a good look at your vehicle and estimate what parts are completely screwed. In some cases you can decide and in others you cannot so just get a rough estimate.
Second go to the vendor from where you got the vehicle only those guys will fix your vehicle well the rest will screw it up even further. In my case i went to Kiviraj bajaj and they spoilt my bike all the more ( My bike came from Kalyani Bajaj).
Once you go to the vendor, inform him that you want to do an Insurance claim and ask him to tell you the rough estimates of how much it is going to cost. The moment you say you will claim insurance, the folks will tell you all kinds of things that are wrong with you vehicle. Since, you have done an estimate yourself you can judge if they are bluffing. In case of bikes, they will always say that the fork is bent and the handlebar is twisted be careful.
Next thing that you need to do is ask for the claim form and fill it up. Call your insurance folks and register the claim. The claim form will ask you for details like accident time, place vehicle make and other details which you should provide correctly.Submit all this with copies of your license, RC book and copy of premium paid details.

Forget your vehicle for a few days from then. It can be from 1 week in case of two wheelers to 2-3 weeks in case of four wheelers based on how much damage is done to your vehicle. The insurance company will call you up a couple of times to know in which garage is the vehicle etc. They will do a survey and then give the OK for the repairs to be done. Once the vehicle is ready you will have to pay up the bill and get your vehicle.
Then begins the wait for the SMS saying that the cheque for the insurance claim has been processed. This cheque should reach you in a few days.

Usually, if the vehicle repair bill is about X don't expect to get more than 2/3 of  X as insurance claim since a lot of parts will undergo depreciation and hence they are not considered for 100% reimbursements. Also depending on the age of the vehicle the insurance amount reimbursed will be lower.

While i wish that you never run into a situation where you would have to claim the insurance, I hope this blog post helps you in case you have to claim it.

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