Monday, May 10, 2010

B Natual

Some time back i had written about this.... Looks like someone was really acting upon this...

Sweden bans fake boobs over explosion risk

Imagine the kinda hit the Swedish Porn industry took because of this. And some very hilarious comments by folks who read this article
Just keeping abreast of todays news
I hope Taliban is not recruiting some female comrades after reading this article...

Procastination once again

After undergoing enjoyable ( read torturous early morning classes) i finally managed to complete by German B1 level examination. Due to various reason including some bright plans of my company to send me across seven seas i have been busy like a bumble bee....The anxiety of a trip and the excitement never seems to leave me, So i have been going over and over my travel items list. I wonder how some people can travel so carefree...maybe i should make more trips around...( Hope my managers have plans of that for me).
I hope to get some more time once i am across seven seas to update my blog more regularly. As of now the blog update graph looks very much like the Bangalore rains! Highly unpredictable
In the meanwhile there have been some very nice Engine models and openup engines that have been brought up at my firm...hopefully i will be able to write more in the other blog of mine about them in the coming days.