Friday, September 24, 2010

Hard work at CWG

Child labor is something i abhor. However, after the debacle that has already unfolded in the past few days with respect to organisation of the well known "Common Wealth Games-2010" a new dent in the already dilapidated International image of India came when CNN reported here  about incident of child laborers being used for the construction work at CWG. It is a well known fact that some families in India can make the ends meet only if the children bring their earnings at the end of the day; Be it by toiling hard in the sun and rain or by begging on the streets or by turning into a pickpocket. Having said that, i think it should have been at least a point on the agenda for the CWG organizers to ensure no use of child labor for the activities related to the CWG. Any team now taking part in the CWG would look as if they were supporting the act ( i was tempted to write cause, because in a poor country like India it might be a cause!!).  

Listen to the comment by Ms. Dikshit below 

If this gentleman, whoever this student was from Harvard, if he had come to us, told us that this is what was happening there, we would have taken immediate action," Dixit said. Dixit wants to get "Student Labor" done...that too for free of cost without even recognizing the person. 

How i wish there is a bomb threat or even a short bomb blast (claiming Mr. Kalmadi for example!!) that would at least qualify us to declare the venue unsafe for the event and postpone the event. I think we have had enough of embarrassment already.  I don't want a country to sue us if an athlete gets killed when for example a tile lands on his head. 

"Bharat badnaam hua, CWG Tere Liye!!"


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