Sunday, October 2, 2011

The man without passion

"Yeah, But with every sport it is the same. Even the Euro-qualifiers for soccer start almost immediately after the Euro cup. If you are crazy about a game you will follow it", he arguged against my comment that Cricket was being played too often thereby almost making it uncouth. So drifted the discussion and he poured me with immense and many a times minute details about Cricketers and Soccers clubs. Just to make a detour to something which i presumed he might not have so much involvement in, whereby i could gain an upper had i started talking about Tennis and How i liked Nadal. Though except for a few prosiac details about Nadal i didn't know much. However to my utter dismay and eventual admiration, he started talking about tennis as though he has been living Tennis every one of his past 25 years.

It was only after a few such attempts, that i was able to understand the significance and the depth of the word "Passion" for something. Yeah, I have never had passion for anything in particular. That is why neither do i know about every possible defence aircraft be it the MiG's, Sukhoi's, F-16/18; or cars be it the Audi-TT, Audi-R8, SLS-AMG gullwing; or be it Weapons, which incidently is the extremly strong point of my brother who can tell you the features of the gun to the minutest details about when, who, why and how a gun was made. You might as well add my lack of knowledge of Sports and Geography...For i still don't quite well know where is which country in the Europe. That Macaredonia is a country in Europe, drew up to me only after hearing to the advertisments on CNN from this country.

Why don't i have a passion? I cannot answer this well. I have never been madly crazy about anything. I do love it climbing trees, going on treks, eating different food, playing different games...but never been like mad at anything. I have done high-rope walking, i have played cricket (hurt myself and my ego badly !!), Done miles of cycling before my cycle was stolen, have ripped my bike at speeds upto 100KMPH ( any further and i would have been looking for a new bike!!), learnt german ...done many things...but with Passion...cant say so..I just did because i liked doing them.

Take for example this stupid blog....I have barely 20 people who read this...and most don't even care to have a look at it...still i write..well, someday Google will find this too much of clutter on their discs and just choose to set the magnetic fields in their discs right there by sparing a few of the trouble of reading of my ideas....But i guess, tills such a armageddon comes to being, i think i will write.(Hey...also if they start charing me for writing i might stop!!)

Cannot say if this is the right way to live, but i am happy the way i am...Although, sometimes i suffer with pangs of guilt that i dont have passion ,like many others. Any suggestions to help me out? 

1 comment:

Anand said...

I think your passion is towards your life....