Saturday, December 20, 2008

ScribeFire - A useful Firefox plugin

The two most versatile tools or let me call it "Software Tool suites" I have come across so far in my  IT career are eclipse and Firefox. The former is a extremely extensible IDE for a multitude of languages and also has features to extend its functionality immensely. The latter is an extremly cool browser which probably will soon become the most widely used browser, especially after the recent security alert sounded by Microsoft.

Though blogging is still very new to me, i tried to explore what are the tools available to ease this experience. And guess what, I found atlest half a dozen tools that are meant to enhance your experience on the internet. I smiled at myself and thought, hey how about if my browser could support this ? I would have a single window to do everything. I tried to search the firefox plugins which could help me with my blogging. ScribeFire is one of the plugins i found and right now i am typing this in the scribefire window.

ScribeFire has a bunch of features likes storing your blogs as drafts so that you can upload them later, read previous blogs, create new categories for your blog and do a lot of formatting etc. F8 is the default hot key for this plugin. You can choose the options page and set your preferences. The setup is one time so you need not bother about keying in your login Id and Password everytime. However, you might not want to do this incase your pc is being used by multiple users, though the settings are profile dependent i believe. Providing links and attaching pictures as painful as a mouse click.

Hence, for those like me who love to have everything packaged into one tool and also are trying the waters of blogging, Scribefire is a very good option.

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