Monday, January 19, 2009

Why fashion designers tend to be gay!!

DNA on its 10th page has a report about Michelle Obama (wife of president elect Barack Obama) regarding the dress she is most likely to wear on Tuesday during the Inaugural ceremony of Mr. Obama's presidency. 

"The final choice is hers alone. She is mindful of the economic situation is unlikely to wear a $50,000 dress"


Wow, that is a staggering figure for a dress. The typical indian in me tells me that even if Ms Obama wears a $10,000 dress it would be about 4.8 lakhs. Now I understand why the movie fashion  portrayed so many gay fashion designers, they definitly would not like lose out on the money they could have made by selling the dresses they design to wives of other poor men ( who are ready to foot bills like $50000) rather than their own!!

Just want to end this in a funny quote by Oscar Wilde

“When a man has once loved a woman he will do anything for her except continue to love her.”

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